Frequently Asked Questions
General Scripting
- Can I generate a random string, number, or UUID/GUID in my script?
- How can I ignore socket errors due to an untrusted TLS/SSL certificate?
- Can I include a script in another script?
- How do I manually set a cookie in a script?
- How can I play a script that needs to reach a site on a private network?
- How do I make a bot stop playing the script if an error occurs?
- Can I set timers to measure key transactions in test script?
- When I play a script in the editor, where does the script traffic originate?
Browser Bots
- Do Browser Bots support HTTP Basic or NTLM authentication?
- Can I call a JavaScript function or extract a value from the page?
- Is it possible to interact with inputs or other elements in an iframe?
- How can I make my Browser Bot traffic show up in Google Analytics?
- My Browser Bot traffic is showing up in Google Analytics! How do I make it stop?
- How do I manipulate range sliders, color pickers, and other specialized HTML inputs?
- Is there a way to resize the browser window or switch to another window/tab?
Protocol Bots
Load Testing
- What’s the best way to calculate how many bots I need for a load test?
- What happens to the state (cache, cookies, and variables) between different iterations of the same bot?
- How come my test burned more or less fuel than estimated?
- Can I make Loadster exclude error responses when calculating response times?
- How do I make a test stop after X iterations?
- Can I override DNS hostnames or use a custom hosts file?
- Can I get Loadster's IP addresses for my whitelist?
- Why is Loadster saying the cloud capacity has been exceeded?
- Loadster is reporting high response times, but I accessed the site myself and it seems fast. What's the difference?
If your question isn't frequently asked enough to appear here, please email us at